When we started the motion, we knew the +16,521 signatures were a very difficult target to meet. So we understand we need to do things differently. The results we got cannot be explained in other way than from the digital world. From the first day we thought that through collaboration and tiressly work in social media, we could deliver the messages we wanted. And those were no others than this was an opportinity to recover our Club.
So, we launched this website late July, as a preview of the motion of censorship. From launch, we have managed to get +10,000 subscribers, members that wanted to sign and also people offering their help. We also got more than 300 volunteers, and +50 collection points. These results were achieved thanks to the work of @ElCorBlaugrana.
On Twitter, we grew to reach +15.000 followers. In addition, we achieved an impact close to 8 million of impressions! This work is the result of collaboration between:
This huge impact of our main social network, Twitter, in the campaign, was also possible thanks to the key collaboration of various experts. They are these accounts that usually deliver content of interest to the Blaugrana audience:
We would like to make an special XX to our partners @BartomeuDimiss1 and @BotdeCensura. We started our activity on Twitter almost a year ago with them. Among all these partners, we managed to position 4 HT as TT in Spain, in 4 key days for the campaign.
Instagram also became a very valid channel. In just ten days, we reached nearly 150,000 impressions. Facebook was also another important channel. For different segments, we used different channels. These were managed by Oriol Puig and Jordi Mestre.
There are so many more people to thank, but there is a group of anonymous contributors who were always there. In this group there are no such well-known names, important people or celebrities. They are people who have worked from day one, contributing from anonymity with their dedication, time and effort. They know who they are, and they have our deepest appreciation.
All this work resulted in +400,000 visits to our website in three weeks, reaching +150,000 people in total. Of these, 100,000 people are residents of Catalonia and Spain. The digital world has mobilized Barça’s social mass like never before.
Today and as we have seen in this process, traditional media are no longer the main way to reach people. Through social media, in a digital world, society can organize itself. It has been shown that, in the age of information, interaction spaces such as social media, are where people really meet and get informed.
So this is the way we got +20,000 signatures for this motion. We know that there is still a long way to go. This is the first of many battles that we have yet to fight, until we remove a board of directors that is not up to the standards of FC Barcelona.